Wir stellen uns vor: das Team hinter mobfish VR STUDIO heißt twinC

Wir sind ein junges Start – up aus Deutschland, das sich mit Begeisterung für die Verbreitung von Virtual Reality einsetzt. Unser Ziel ist es, Menschen mit unseren innovativen Produkten dabei zu unterstützen die virtuelle Welt zu erkunden. 

Menschen können mit unserer Hilfe nicht nur in völlig neue Welten eintauchen – wir wollen sie vor allem dazu inspirieren neue Technologien auszuprobieren. Mit unseren Produkten wecken wir Begeisterung und Interesse für Virtual Reality und zeigen gleichzeitig, dass eine eigene VR App schon lange kein Hexenwerk mehr ist.

Wir sind selbst jeden Tag aufs Neue gespannt, was die digitale Welt als nächstes für uns bereithält. Liebend gerne probieren wir neue VR Headsets aus, spielen mit neuer Software und versuchen fortlaufend die Grenzen des Möglichen auszuweiten. Dafür nehmen wir uns sogar mit dem ganzen Team regelmäßig Zeit und arbeiten an den Herzensprojekten, für die im Arbeitsalltag sonst keine Zeit bleibt. 

Unser Team hilft dir gerne jederzeit mit seinem Know-How weiter. Schreib uns gerne eine Nachricht – wir freuen uns darauf dich kennenzulernen! Woher wir kommen, was mir machen und wieso wir die virtuellen Welten so mögen, kannst du auch in unserer VR Academy erfahren. www.twinc.academy

The Team

Founder / Developer

Our History

2021 – Mobfish becomes a member of twinC
Completely enthusiastic – Mobfish becomes a member of twinC GmbH. Nothing will change for customers and potential customers except from massiv development and implementation of WebVR. Create Virtual Reality apps easy and fast with mobfish VR STUDIO. Your editor for a self – made Virtual Reality app! 

2020 – Growth with mobfish VR STUDIO

The new year has lots of exciting news, events and releases in store. We are looking forward to developing mobfish VR STUDIO further and to growing with our customers and partners!

2019 – mobfish VR STUDIO as superior SaaS solution

mobfish develops their own VR Tool and decides against the old name “Player 360”. The tool is now called “mobfish VR STUDIO” to match the company . In close exchange with customers and partners, a powerful solution is created that inspires!

2018 – The decision: Virtual Reality for everyone!

The decision is made for Virtual Reality. The company is being modified for the development of a software solution, which was then called “Player 360”. Strong partners help with the modification of the company and the entry to the market.

2017 – Further development from agency to platform provider

After previous successes, mobfish is ready for new challenges: the establishment of an own software product on the market. Three ideas make it onto the shortlist: gamification applications, an augmented reality toolkit and a virtual reality toolkit.

2016 – Agency services for VR and Apps

mobfish remains loyal to innovative products. At this time, chatbots, a real time quiz game and the first virtual reality projects become an integral part of mobfish.

2015 – Becoming an agency for innovative products, web apps and apps

With its established reputation, mobfish can win large customers for innovative projects in the field of web apps and apps. Companies like Microsoft Germany and Schneider-Electric are part of the customer base of the young company.

2014 – Developing individual quizzes for companies “Enterprise Quiz”

The experience gained from the quiz game industry is bundled into a framework. With help of the framework, mobfish develops employee trainings for companies and conquers completely new business areas.

2013 – Establishment as app publisher (Who becomes rich, Jumping Stones)

In the following year, mobfish wins its first investors and publishes more games. This makes mobfish a successful app publisher.

2012 – Launch of mega hit “Who becomes rich”

Tobias Sell and fellow students found the software company mobfish GmbH during their studies. Their first game app “Who becomes rich” celebrates resounding success with over 7 million downloads!